Words for today:
1. Smula (ade sabdu skit) - smula eh sofia -> lain kali ye sofia
2. berehi (stress on the word R) - dok berehi -> tak suke la
3. kek gi - kek gi kite pi makan - > sekejap lg kite pegi makan
hahah.. hello ppl..!!! :) im back with Kelas Bahasa Terengganu.. one of the boy who is working in MGH is from Terengganu.. very pemalu orangnye.. hehehe.. lately only we started talking... heheh... but I know, deep inside his heart, dia seorang yg sgt suka pada tmpt kelahiran dia.. n by even working in KL, dat doesnt stop him from speaking Terengganu...
So, now... im trying to understand his language.. well... not to say i don understand.. well.. i do a lil bit la coz my family angkat dulu pun from Dungun.. but Mr. F is somewhere from Terengganu yg dah dekat2 to Kelantan... so, his way of speaking is slightly different den my family angkat... but takpe la.. best jugak sekali sekala jd org negeri lain selain KL.. so now, im learning his language... according to him, learn a word by a day.. hahah... so, baru2 nie ade la a few words dat i learn from him... hahah... susah gak nk faham da way he talks.. must listen carefully n dgr betul2... baru boleh tangkap ape dia ckp.. kadang2 kesian gak sbb dia nk ckp dgn i, but i don understand wat he was trying to say.. last last, dia tak nak ulang watever he has already said... kesian n takut lak sbb he might think i nie, blurr sgt sampai tak faham ape dia ckp... sorry..!! hehehe.. but yea.. its fun tho.. tp lps ni dah tak bleh belajar his language dah as i'm goin to stop working soon.. really soon... :( hmm.. goin to miss all of them very much... :((
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Girls Outing
the 'kononnye' paris hilton model... :P
US..!! since 2002.. syg yall babes... :)
adila was excited to let the fish gigit her fat legs.. haha
ooohhh... had a very tiring weekend yet it was fun.. =) friday nite, was out with office mates... saturday, one whole day was out with relatives, n today was out with old school frens... had the bonding session we used to had last time... oh gosh!! i realized how much i missed them soooooooo much...
frens are the best.. it has been ages since we seriously sat down n talk n laugh n gossips n all the things that we used to do.. it has been years.. selalu jumpe sekejap coz each n everyone of us has so many things to do.. in the end, we managed to find free time n sat down to catch up on wat has been goin on each others life...
im so happy now... Adila has been together for more than 3 years n Amanda is getting engaged soon.. they were telling me on the topic of CHOOSY.. wohoo..!! only they know how choosy am i.. n how idiot i can be in comparing each n everyone of them n in the end just dumped n ignored the nice guys n fall in love with idoits.. well... hahah.. ;D thats me.. but its about time to change... it clearly shown that they are grown up n so much mature compared to me.. im still the kiddo kinda girl which im trying to change that soon... that is listed in one of my azam of 2009.. =) its about time for me to change my attitude n which is good n which is not.. banyak la cerita.. it is juzt that i am so very lazy to press the freaking keyboard.. well.. besides, it should be jz among the 3 of us n nobody else.. heheh...
k la... dats for tonight.. i got to go n sleep as i have to go for work tmr... k peeps... take care n as usual there will b pics.. =) LOVE AMANDA N ADILA..!!
p/s: manda... thanx once again.. i know i've been saying thank you for so many times but still... THANK YOU...!! seriously hope that we could go holiday somewhere before i fly next yr... =) n pray for me to chow from this country as soon as possible as i think that is the only reason for me to b more independent n start anew...
Friday, December 19, 2008
I like my new friends in MGH =)
when abg manager was staring at a girl.. ishk3...
cucu gajah n anak gajah.. hahaha.. ;D goin to miss them seriously..
while waiting for the boys to come down.. si gadis pink, sdg thn perut.. gadis kurung hitam putih, tahan gelak.. si gadih serba hitam, control ayu... wahahah.. ;D syg da kakaks... :)
when we went down tanpa pengetahuan boss... Account Manager, Workshop Manager n I.. hehe.. :) they r very cute tho...
when we were about to cross the road.. kalau ade buss dtg, mmg meninggal kitorang kat situ.. hehhe..
the kakaks n I di kala turun bawah tanpe pengetahuan 'ayahanda'
Workshop Manager n I.. sungguh kecil size badannye abg manager ini... hahaha
ehem!! gossip hangat di MGH... ahhaha.. ;D
di saat si dia excited jumpe cap.. haha..
choc given to me by Ms May.. :) thank you..!!
hello my bloggie..!! hehhe.. was suppose to go watch movies with the new frens from MGH after work yesterday evening... but tak jadi as kak M mengalami sakit puan.. whahaha.. ;D kak A, kak Z n i was quite excited bout it tho.. but well... tak jd.. takpe la.. :)
after maghrib prayer, we all decided to go dinner n we invited the boys to come along too.. at first they didnt wanna go but ntah selepas encik F balik.. diorang nk pegi pulak.. so okay la... i said, the more ppl, the merrier it will be.. besides lps ni ntah jumpe diorang ke tak sbb im goin to start college soon too n stop kerja dah.. sad to think about that sebenarnye.. tp alaa... start kete, call, jumpe je la nnt... insyaallah.. kalau diorang masih nak kawan dgn budak sofia anak pak sahari yg tak ckp umur ni la kan.. ehhehe.. :)
we had dinner in KLCC.. after makan.. ambik la gambar utk suke2 je... i was too over i guess.. gedik sgt.. kak M suruh ambik gambar F... tp F tak suke camera.. dia ckp dgn kak A, klu dia ambik gambar, nnt demam dia tak baik... ntah petua mana dia gune kan... well.. takpe la... it is not like im goin to 'manderem' his pic ke ape.. ambik je... skali dia gertak.. he said, its either you delete those pics or ill throw away the camera... sofia trus jd takut..!! dh la baru je nk buat kawan.. sofia menggedik lebih.. kan org dh marah... :(( menggeletar trus lutut... sorry F!! dah la.. to even think about this pun, dah ckp menyeramkan... bukan ape... sofia terlupe yg diorang tu lebih tua dr sofia n bukannye sebaya sofia sampai sofia nk gurau lebih2 kan... dah la baru kenal.. nk gurau mcm dh lama kenal lak.. ish..!! mengong sungguh diriku.. sofia sgt gedik.. so which ever pics yg sofia ambik... sofia dah delete... n those yg org lain ambik je sofia simpan... sorry again F..!! abg S gelak pulak.. dia ckp, blum tgk dia marah lg... lg takut.. dah la.. sofia tak suke tgk org marah.. fobia skit.. kalau mak abah marah tu dah tak heran...
well... dah malas nk tekan keyboard nie... ill upload those crazy pics we took n korang tgk la sendiri ye.. :) btw... name has been change due to privacy... :) bubbye... take care... shall cont later.. :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
2nd batch.. us, the whole team
team C and the bosses
amirul, hakimi n I
dr mansor, kak zila n I
on the way to kelong... :) in the boat..
game in the afternoon
sy di buli.. argh!! tidak...!!
the boys.. gerard, bede, dean, mirul, ahmad n kushairi
before jungle trekking
the only 2 girls.. kak zila n I
its me.. :)
bowling after one week started working... tak kenal diorang pun lg time nie.. hehe
abg nasafi a.k.a abg manager n shamin
faisal... dia pun jatuh gak.. tu la.. gelak kat org lain lg... :P
garangnye kak mai... :P kak mai, sofia n kid
hello everyone... gosh!! it has been ages since i last updated my blog... how r u ppl...?? sorry la.. life has been quite hectic for the last one month... not to say very busy but jz didnt hv the time to update.. wake up in the morning as early as 6.30 am... went off to work after that, balik at 6.00 pm.. den reach home almost 7... bathe.. dinner... n eveything... settle things... in the end, tak bukak pun blog... in the office, mmg la takde kerje.. but... i cant simply open my blog der to update.. dah la slalu bukak facebook... CCTV is jz right above my head... kalau boss nampak... mati gue... tapi rasenye boss nmpk dah.. heheh.. :P biar la... keje pun for 2 mths je..
well, let me say a few words about my new working place... :) office dia simple.. im working as a receptionist je.. :) but had fun tho... sayang lak nk stop keje.. the kakaks in my place are really nice n frenly... happening too.. eheheh... the boys kat leve bawah.. didnt really get to mix around with them but yet sekali sekala jumpe, kecoh gak.. some of them la... ade tu, pemalu je... senyum je lebih.. ckp tak.. hehehe.. shall not say who la kan... :P tp comeyl je... heheh..
tetibe terasa malas to write je.. i shall update the pics n korang tgk la eh my office mate wat we have done for the past one month nie.. :) take care mates...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
No Title =)
cousins.. Kak Nurul, Nadia n I..
cousinly love... nadia, faizal and I.. =)
This was taken when we had makan-makan for Hari Raya in UCSI the other night
heheheh... juniors and seniors.. just some of us.. not all..
in Aiman's house.. I love the food made by his mother and not forgetting his cozy house... very cantik.. =)
Aiman's girlfriend, Reen... in the car on the way back from his place..
my crazy cousin, Nadia.. =)
Hello...!! I have not updated my blog for quite sometime... hehehe.. sorry... just too busy with open houses and exams... oooh..!! I am on holiday now... 2 months baby...!! yeay.. hahaha.. ;D
Well... nothing much has been happening now... besides shits..!! well.. that is normal... shitty stuff always happen to me when I think I'm in my 'lala' land... =( goodness..!! I just don't know how to start.. where to start.. all I know, I'm missing 'him' a lot now... A LOT...!! and he seems to not understand that... grrr...
Let just forget about that now... lately, I got to know this boy... oooooohhh.. I think I'm going crazy over him.. ahaha.. shall not mention who and shall not describe who.. nanti orang akan tahu.. but all I know, those things shouldn't happen to me... wat the heck man...!! it just happen.. aiyh..!! comel betul itu budak.. hahaha.. =D friends are giving me false hope saying that one day he will ask for my number and bla bla bla.. but geez...!! get back to reality girl..!! hahaha... but who knows right... hahaha....
Other than that, wat else has been happening around me... ermmm...... nothing I guess... yea... basically nothing besides open house and boredom... life is boring for me now... well... I'll start working on the 3rd Nov in my dad's friend's company.. so, I only have one week hols and I'll be busy starting from that time onwards... actually, it is good that way since I'm 'kononnye' back single kinda thing... hahaha... at least I don't have to stay at home and eat eat eat and think think think about 'si dia'.. menggemukkan badan betul bila duduk rumah and do nothing... I've been dared by friends to lose more weight before college starts next year.. at least 5kg man... I was 57.. den, down to 54 and now another 5kg.. aiyh..!! can..can..can..!! ahahha... hopefully... k la... thats all for now.. I'll upload some photos for yall to see.. mostly are the open house photos.. photos of me and my friends and some of my relatives..
Shall continue later.. take care ppl... love ya... =)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya
Hello!!! I have not updated my blog for quite some time... First, was busy with Raya preparation... Then, busy with Raya pulak... sorry ppl... hehehe.... Rachel msged me asking me to update my blog... haha.. sorry girl.. didn't have the time to do so.. hehe.. =)
well... I think it is still not too late to wish everyone, Selamat Hari Raya and maaf zahir dan batin... forgive me for all my wrong doings.. =) nothing much happen raya this time... it is not as happening as last year... but okay la... where shud I start...?? hmmm..
Okay!! First, let me tell yall that I am so happy that at last crisis between my mom n my grandparents are settled now.. my family were closed to my great grandparents compared to my grandparents as my mom was being raised up by my great grandparents and due to some crisis that had happen when I was still a baby... and you know what!! after 20 years I'm in this world, the other day was the first time, my grandparents actually came to my house with some of relatives on his side to beraya with us.. thank God for that... I was happy to see my family reunited back.. =) really glad
Other than that, my duit raya is getting lesser... aiyh..!! hahah.. =p my calon ibu mertua tak jadi give me only RM5 this year as I am her tak jadi daughter in law... sorry la aunty.. I don't want to get married to someone who is in the family already... boring la... and besides, your son told me that he has moved on... come on la... from RM20 to RM5.. ish3... hahaha.. have to look for another calon mak mertua.. haha.. =D however, she is going to menunaikan Haji soon... my family and I are just praying for them to selamat pergi and selamat kembali from Mekah... don't forget to pray for me in Rumah Allah k.. hehe.. =)
Hmmm.. what else about raya..??? oooh.. latest... we went to one of old friend's open housein Tropicana.. as usual... I takut to masuk his house.. hehehe... but never mind... I will always look for Kuey Teow in his house.. went with Adila and her boyfriend.. met a few other friends.. wei!! have not seen them for ages.. was happy to see some of them... but got one boy were busy playing PS3 in the room sampai tak jumpe kitorang... but the rest okay.. got one didn't want to see me.. I think because of what had happened last time.. it's okay... I know I am not at fault.. I still have almost all the messages during the thing happened and after it happened... I still have it.. don't worry.. but I kind of don't really like what he did and told this other girl who is my junior back in school.. you know what.. come and confront me in a gentleman kinda a manner if you think you are right... I don't want to blame anyone and I don't want to accuse anyone or anything.. if you think you need to settle it, come to me.. I don't want to cari gaduh also as I love all my friends and I don't want to have any enemy..
other than that, nothing much la... life has been quite hectic also with college... assignments were submitted last friday.. n will be having final examination soooooonnn..!! mine will be on the 22nd and 23rd.. =( argh!! I am not ready.. God..!! help me... =( k la... im quite sleep now... I shall continue next time k everyone... once again, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri... got open house, ajak la I.. hehhe. =P
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friends are everything

Hello... have you ever wonder, when the person that you have been expecting to be around you can't be around you, while other people that is unexpected to be around you, will come and give you support...?? well... they are what you called friends..
Look into clear blue sky.. you can actually see stars.. and moon.. :) they are my very good friend.. sometimes I just can't rely on my good friends (real human being I mean here) too much.. they may have their own things to do.. they may be busy with some stuff and obviously they would have to give priority to their loved ones... not to say that I'm being childish and merajuk ke ape based on the last reason.. no... it is not that.. what I'm trying to say here, that is life.. don't worry la.. bukan merajuk.. pls la... hehe... :)
And after all, you have decided to not tell anyone about your problems.. but somehow, a real good friend can just spot that entah dari mana punca pun I tak tau.. and that is my dear good friend, Noradila Saeni.. sy syg kamu.. heheh.. ;) she suddenly send a message asking about my blog which I didn't tell people that I have my own freaking blog now and she was asking me about my problems.. :O where did you get all those information mak cik?? haha... well.. I guess that is what you called friends. They will try their best to be by your side and give you support.. they will try their best to show some love to you whenever you need them.. diorang mungkin tak perlu tahu semua info tu dari mulut kita sendiri.. as what I always say, those information comes without you looking for it but it will just come by itself.. I guess all good friends are like that.. and I really hope this good friend of mine, will remain as my very best good buddy for the rest of my life..
Same goes as my kakak sayang, Syarifah Sharim.. she has been giving me supports tidak mengira waktu.. ;) hehehe.. she has been there with me through ups and downs.. she has been all around me when I'm in some bad situation and needed someone to talk to.. she has been there with me for the past one year and I thank God for giving me these TWO creatures to fill my life.. they made my life wonderful.. they made my life more entertaining... thank you sooooooo much... :) may we remain friends forever... :) saya sayang kamu semua... :D
XoXo... :-*
p/s: there's another creature in this world which I sayang jugak.. they understand me well.. life would be so much different without all these people...
Saturday, September 20, 2008

AARRRGGHH.....!!!! it is confirm!!! that he has a girlfriend.... F*** mannnn...!!! I am so pissed off... okay.... I can... I can pretend like how I used to pretend towards someone last time... I'm goin to do this again but just a different person.... gosh!!!! why on earth do I have to do this...?? BUT.........
NO........!!!!!! can I? or can I not? oh God!!! why.......??? stop making yourself suffer.... just stop la woman.... but deep inside, I can't... argh...!!!! friends are so going to kill me if they hear or know about this... Kevel might just come to my house and slap me.... not just him I guess... one by one will come and do so... yes ppl..!! go on..!! slap me!! I need that.... I'm making myself stupid again but as I said, with different guy.... grrrr...... it has almost been a yr.. and you know what... I've added the wrong person somewhere.... which I think I shouldn't as that will stop me from uploading some chun-ted photos of my 'good friend' and I... argh...!!! nothing is goin my way... not a single thing... :(
I thought birthday this year goin to change everything as I celebrated it with happiness and not sadness like the previous years... but the happiness were just for a while... a very short while... really short... aiyh...!!
sy syg the necklace and the person who gave me that...
Friday, September 19, 2008
cry again...
why do i love to make myself suffer?? he's the one that made me smile and laugh but he is also the one that made me cry all day long.. I don't know how to move on.. He says the word love to many girls at one time.. he says the word miss to many girls at one time too... why is he such a 'lalang'..?? but the main question is, why do I become such a stupid person to actually stay and let him make a fool out of myself..?? why..?? why..?? why..??
I want to go on with life.. I can't be like this.. but I just can't do it at all... I lemah... I am not strong... there is nobody around me right now... if you are with her, just tell.. don't have to lie.. GOD!!! I want to get out.... I hate all this... I want to leave all this things behind... ARGH...!!!!!
I want to go on with life.. I can't be like this.. but I just can't do it at all... I lemah... I am not strong... there is nobody around me right now... if you are with her, just tell.. don't have to lie.. GOD!!! I want to get out.... I hate all this... I want to leave all this things behind... ARGH...!!!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
fiewh... im done with both of my supp papers.... =) hooray..!! hehehe... that is the reason why I have not been goin online and updating my blog... busy study kononnya... n besides that, I have been busy going to hospital to visit my grandfather. so, dah agak lama sebenarnye tak bukak laptop.. it has almost been a week...
what is the latest issue in my life... hmmm.. :-? rasanya mcm takde ape2.. kalau ade pun, I am not willing to share it yet.. hehe.. k.. all I know, I have another 2 papers next week... that is my mid term paper... alamak..!! penat la like dis... :( aiyh....
have you ever miss someone that you actually see and talk to almost everyday?? you just can't get enough of that person and somehow that feeling is killing me... everyone has been really nice to me.. they all want me to be happy without that person due to some reason.. but I will only be happy with that person for now.. no matter how many bad things that person has done, I am still waiting... but till when?? I can't just go on with life like this.. what had actually happen to me? I used to be someone who was really independant and could do everything in life without anyone by my side.. but I am not like that now.. what has actually got into my mind?? what has actually been controlling me for this time around?? I can't find the answer... I seriously can't.. or maybe I can but I'm just to busy or pretending to be busy to find the answer.. or maybe, I'm blind to see all that?? the more I think about it, more questions will be flying around my head... all I can say, I'm missin you now... a lot....
okay... the paragraph above was not suppose to be under this title... but I don't know why, all those words and questions came into my head and tadaaa...!! it's there... aiyh..!! life..life..life..
hahahaha... a bit confusing huh... at first I am okay and wrote all those things down happily but jump to the 'special' paragraph, mood changed dramatically... ahahhaha.. ;p and now.. back to my crazy mood... GOD!!! I seriously, badly, desperately need your help.... :(
what is the latest issue in my life... hmmm.. :-? rasanya mcm takde ape2.. kalau ade pun, I am not willing to share it yet.. hehe.. k.. all I know, I have another 2 papers next week... that is my mid term paper... alamak..!! penat la like dis... :( aiyh....
have you ever miss someone that you actually see and talk to almost everyday?? you just can't get enough of that person and somehow that feeling is killing me... everyone has been really nice to me.. they all want me to be happy without that person due to some reason.. but I will only be happy with that person for now.. no matter how many bad things that person has done, I am still waiting... but till when?? I can't just go on with life like this.. what had actually happen to me? I used to be someone who was really independant and could do everything in life without anyone by my side.. but I am not like that now.. what has actually got into my mind?? what has actually been controlling me for this time around?? I can't find the answer... I seriously can't.. or maybe I can but I'm just to busy or pretending to be busy to find the answer.. or maybe, I'm blind to see all that?? the more I think about it, more questions will be flying around my head... all I can say, I'm missin you now... a lot....
okay... the paragraph above was not suppose to be under this title... but I don't know why, all those words and questions came into my head and tadaaa...!! it's there... aiyh..!! life..life..life..
hahahaha... a bit confusing huh... at first I am okay and wrote all those things down happily but jump to the 'special' paragraph, mood changed dramatically... ahahhaha.. ;p and now.. back to my crazy mood... GOD!!! I seriously, badly, desperately need your help.... :(
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Yesterday.. =(
I just can't believe you're gone
still waiting for morning to come
When I see the sun will rise
In the way that you're by my side
When we had so much ins store
tell me what is it I'm reaching for
when we're through building memories
I'll hold yesterday in my heart, my heart
They can take tomorrow and the plans we made
they can take the music that we'll never play
all the broken dreams, take everything
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
They can take the future that we'll never know
they can take the places that we said we will go
all the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
You always choose to stay
I should be thankful for everyday
heaven know what the future holds
or least where the story goes
but i never believed until now
I know I'll see you again, I'm sure
No, it's not selfish to ask for more
one more night, one more day
one more smile on your face
but they can't take yesterday
I thought our days would last forever
but it wasn't our destiny
cause in my mind, we had so much time
but I was so wrong
No, I can, believe me
I can still find the strength in the moments we made
I'm looking back on yesterday
All the broken dreams take everything
They can never have yesterday.
~missing you... ='(
still waiting for morning to come
When I see the sun will rise
In the way that you're by my side
When we had so much ins store
tell me what is it I'm reaching for
when we're through building memories
I'll hold yesterday in my heart, my heart
They can take tomorrow and the plans we made
they can take the music that we'll never play
all the broken dreams, take everything
just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
They can take the future that we'll never know
they can take the places that we said we will go
all the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
You always choose to stay
I should be thankful for everyday
heaven know what the future holds
or least where the story goes
but i never believed until now
I know I'll see you again, I'm sure
No, it's not selfish to ask for more
one more night, one more day
one more smile on your face
but they can't take yesterday
I thought our days would last forever
but it wasn't our destiny
cause in my mind, we had so much time
but I was so wrong
No, I can, believe me
I can still find the strength in the moments we made
I'm looking back on yesterday
All the broken dreams take everything
They can never have yesterday.
~missing you... ='(
Friday, September 12, 2008
errmm... =)
Hye.. =) supplementary exam is comin really soon n I have not start studying a single thing yet.. aiyh..!! biler nak berubah ni sofia... ishk3... ;p hehehe...
Well, nothing much happened lately besides some stuff yang I sendiri cari pasal.. serve u right sofia!! ergh!! I shall talk about that later or probably I shall just forget it. Kalau selalu ingat, I can't do anything else than.. I'll be thinking about it all the time and I'll start eating like a pig.. well.. that's what happened end of last year and I put on 7 kg... grrrr.... it is so easy to put on weight but to lose them, susah gilerr.... :S I shall change my minds off of those things...
Erm... other than that.. let me see... nothing much happen la... oooohhh..!! A friend called me up yesterday night.. That person is asking if I would want to join them performing this coming 27th... and according to that person, the sis of my friend saw me dance in the hall in our college once and she said I can dance.. wow!! ahahha... joke..!! I know I love dancing but tak sangka la the sister would say something like that... hahaha... heee..=D
and just now, college called... they want me to attend some leadership camp in Ayer Keroh, Melaka... It sounds interesting tapi thinking about it.. hello ppl in college... its the fasting month now and you all want me to attend that camp. grrrr.... I shall think about it la.. but what to think?? The lady in the office said, the thing is compulsory...!! no!!! and i just realize I ahve so manye events comin up this month... it is such a busy month mann.. hhahaha... it sounded like kononnya I am such a busy student la... hahaha.. langkah2 menuju kejayaan.. chewah..!! hhahaha.. no such thing... heheh =D
k la.. its about time to buka puasa... now is already 7PM.. I shall continue later... bubbye... =)
Well, nothing much happened lately besides some stuff yang I sendiri cari pasal.. serve u right sofia!! ergh!! I shall talk about that later or probably I shall just forget it. Kalau selalu ingat, I can't do anything else than.. I'll be thinking about it all the time and I'll start eating like a pig.. well.. that's what happened end of last year and I put on 7 kg... grrrr.... it is so easy to put on weight but to lose them, susah gilerr.... :S I shall change my minds off of those things...
Erm... other than that.. let me see... nothing much happen la... oooohhh..!! A friend called me up yesterday night.. That person is asking if I would want to join them performing this coming 27th... and according to that person, the sis of my friend saw me dance in the hall in our college once and she said I can dance.. wow!! ahahha... joke..!! I know I love dancing but tak sangka la the sister would say something like that... hahaha... heee..=D
and just now, college called... they want me to attend some leadership camp in Ayer Keroh, Melaka... It sounds interesting tapi thinking about it.. hello ppl in college... its the fasting month now and you all want me to attend that camp. grrrr.... I shall think about it la.. but what to think?? The lady in the office said, the thing is compulsory...!! no!!! and i just realize I ahve so manye events comin up this month... it is such a busy month mann.. hhahaha... it sounded like kononnya I am such a busy student la... hahaha.. langkah2 menuju kejayaan.. chewah..!! hhahaha.. no such thing... heheh =D
k la.. its about time to buka puasa... now is already 7PM.. I shall continue later... bubbye... =)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Jealous.. kenapa tuhan wujudkan perasaan jealous atau cemburu?? im sure everyone has that feeling.. but I just don't know why, but my jealousy level is just tooooooooo high... I hate that!! i don't know how to cover with my friends whenever I got jealous.. I don't know how to put that feeling away from me..
Okay.. I used to be someone who were really good at pretending.. pretending in a good way obviously... not the bad ones.. pretending like I don't like that person.. pretending to not show how jealous I am with anyone.. pretending to be someone who doesn't care about anyone else but actually I do.. pretending that I am happy all the time.. pretending to be good.. just all the positive stuff.. will never show the other side of me to anyone... my ego was really high and that is the main reason why I don't show all those feelings to public last time.. but now... everything has change.. I'm not like how I used to be.. I show my hatred and jealousy to the things or the person that I don't like.. I show the ugly side of me which is merajuk, terasa hati and obviously cemburu atau JEALOUS and on and on.....
Why....?? why...?? why must I be like this now.. I wanna be just like how I used to be.. but I can't anymore.. I am so not myself now.. or is this the real me now..?? I'm confused.. God..!! which is the real me now??
My dear friend, I think some people may know who am I refering to.. I am really sorry for behaving that way.. I know I shouldn't.. but there is something making me behaving this way towards you.. I am so very trully sorry.. really sorry.. You may not know the real story now but one day you will know everything.. and I just hope by that time we will still be friends.. =) I know I am being stupid too but as I said, I can't help to get rid of all those feelings.
I think all this feelings wujud sebabkan satu lagi perasaan and that is ***E...!!
I apologize to everyone that somehow related to my story here.. If you think that person is YOU, then pls forgive me.. =(
p/s:to deqpah... thanx for the chain.. =D will wear it someday..
Okay.. I used to be someone who were really good at pretending.. pretending in a good way obviously... not the bad ones.. pretending like I don't like that person.. pretending to not show how jealous I am with anyone.. pretending to be someone who doesn't care about anyone else but actually I do.. pretending that I am happy all the time.. pretending to be good.. just all the positive stuff.. will never show the other side of me to anyone... my ego was really high and that is the main reason why I don't show all those feelings to public last time.. but now... everything has change.. I'm not like how I used to be.. I show my hatred and jealousy to the things or the person that I don't like.. I show the ugly side of me which is merajuk, terasa hati and obviously cemburu atau JEALOUS and on and on.....
Why....?? why...?? why must I be like this now.. I wanna be just like how I used to be.. but I can't anymore.. I am so not myself now.. or is this the real me now..?? I'm confused.. God..!! which is the real me now??
My dear friend, I think some people may know who am I refering to.. I am really sorry for behaving that way.. I know I shouldn't.. but there is something making me behaving this way towards you.. I am so very trully sorry.. really sorry.. You may not know the real story now but one day you will know everything.. and I just hope by that time we will still be friends.. =) I know I am being stupid too but as I said, I can't help to get rid of all those feelings.
I think all this feelings wujud sebabkan satu lagi perasaan and that is ***E...!!
I apologize to everyone that somehow related to my story here.. If you think that person is YOU, then pls forgive me.. =(
p/s:to deqpah... thanx for the chain.. =D will wear it someday..
Monday, September 8, 2008
money & love
Have u ever wonder, dis 2 things are the most important things in life. okay probably God is the most important.. but looking on the other perspective... human can never live without love and money..
Love.. very universe.. love God..love ur family.. love ur friends.. love ur boyfriends/girlfriends.. love ur wife/husband and don't ever forget to love urself... love..love..love.. i dont think anyone cud ever survive living in this world without love...
Money...?? everyone needs money.. the more the better.. can use it to go shopping.. can use it to do some donation (trying to b kind here u see... ;p) heheheh... watever it is.. i need money now... i need to do some shopping.. i need to pay for my fees and i need to do lots and lots of things and all u need is MONEY..!! goosshh..! money ppl..
Do u realize that this 2 things can make u forget who you are.. can make you forget on ur principle of life and can make u go blind.. blind ppl.. BLIND..!! aiyh... mom has been complaining a lot about money to me lately.. i feel bad for not studying well... this is my first supp paper after a yr doing degree.. which is not a good thing at all.. aiyh... tu la.. main-main lg.. wake up sofia!! no more time to play around.. geez... wat mom said to me jz now really made me feel down.. i cant really remember how the sentence was.. but the meaning is something like, lots of their money are gone coz of me... entah la.. i really feel bad... one bad thing about my mom, she will complaint and continue complaining non stop about that one particular thing... lately, she has been complaining about money a lot which sometimes made me feel a bit annoyed... haih..! life....!!
and I have been complaining about love non stop... argh!! I've been asking everyone y is it so hard to forget someone.. how cud all those things happen to me.. there are just to many questions la.. even i think, some of my frens are bored with it.. so u know wat!! i think i better stop talking about this.. I better stop talking crap... actually I dont even know wat I'm writing about... heheh.. k den..I think, dats it for now... :) will cont later... peace yall! ;P
Love.. very universe.. love God..love ur family.. love ur friends.. love ur boyfriends/girlfriends.. love ur wife/husband and don't ever forget to love urself... love..love..love.. i dont think anyone cud ever survive living in this world without love...
Money...?? everyone needs money.. the more the better.. can use it to go shopping.. can use it to do some donation (trying to b kind here u see... ;p) heheheh... watever it is.. i need money now... i need to do some shopping.. i need to pay for my fees and i need to do lots and lots of things and all u need is MONEY..!! goosshh..! money ppl..
Do u realize that this 2 things can make u forget who you are.. can make you forget on ur principle of life and can make u go blind.. blind ppl.. BLIND..!! aiyh... mom has been complaining a lot about money to me lately.. i feel bad for not studying well... this is my first supp paper after a yr doing degree.. which is not a good thing at all.. aiyh... tu la.. main-main lg.. wake up sofia!! no more time to play around.. geez... wat mom said to me jz now really made me feel down.. i cant really remember how the sentence was.. but the meaning is something like, lots of their money are gone coz of me... entah la.. i really feel bad... one bad thing about my mom, she will complaint and continue complaining non stop about that one particular thing... lately, she has been complaining about money a lot which sometimes made me feel a bit annoyed... haih..! life....!!
and I have been complaining about love non stop... argh!! I've been asking everyone y is it so hard to forget someone.. how cud all those things happen to me.. there are just to many questions la.. even i think, some of my frens are bored with it.. so u know wat!! i think i better stop talking about this.. I better stop talking crap... actually I dont even know wat I'm writing about... heheh.. k den..I think, dats it for now... :) will cont later... peace yall! ;P
Sunday, September 7, 2008
I'm 20!!
hi!! =)
1st Sept was my 20th birthday,.. Happy birthday to me... :) hehehe... had BBQ at my place and invited all my frens, but many of them couldnt make it that nite... was sad tho... but wat can i do.. they probably have their own things to do.. its okay.. :) some were on vacation, some had family event, some had this, some had that and the list goes on and on...
well, i had fun that nite.. thanx to all my frens who came.. thanx to those who tried so hard to make it for that night and esp Rasyid.. heheh.. he was suppose to b in Kota Tinggi with his family but he came down to KL dat afternoon and came for my BBQ party and thanx to another darling good fren of mine for 'berpakat' with Rasyid. First he told me, he cant make it and that has already made me feel a bit down.. He said he has to go to his cousin's house but rupa-rupanye ade pakatan antara korang berdua ye.. ish3... thanx Asyraf and Rasyid.. n Rasyid's birthday is coming soon... 26th.. hehe... ;)
As for my syg from college ni, Syarifah and Qym.. thank u darling for coming... thnx for the bday pressie.. deqpah, thnx for sacrificing ur date with C***N... dtg jam-jam to my hse.. thank u banget.. =D syg korang sgt..
to Kevel, Avin n some frens who were in da same accounting and marketing class with me early of this sem, thank u soooo much for coming.. thnx for the fireworks Kevel... he said its free for me.. yeay!! thank u!! =D speaking of Keveljit Singh, it reminds me of his sentence, "if u cry again next time, I'll go straight to that person n teach dat person a lesson and den ill come to ur house to slap u for being stupid".. hahahaha... Kevel is my bodyguard!! hahaha... ;D thnx la macha... hhahahah.. im fine and will always be fine.. :)
to Dila and Manda, thank u girls for coming.. :) was so happy to have yall dat nite... esp dengan kehadiran Bank (adila's bf) who were looking for nasi lemak and teh tarik and trying to b a malay now.. aiyh!! really hope dis two will last forever.. syg manda jugak coz it has been years since she last came to my house.. mlm tu, sampai jugak dia.. thank u dear.. thanx for the chocs n sweets.. :)
ooohh!! and big thanx for all those who wished me sharp at 12.. thank u so much!! i realized, disaat kite kehilangan seorang dalam hidup, ramai rupenye yg syg kite.. chewah!! hahah.. but yea.. its true babe... many unexpected frens wished me dat nite... terasa diri dihargai.. thank u so much... dis yr, my dream came true.. =D dat one particular dream dat ive been hoping for.. akhirnye tahun ni jd kenyataan... :)
kalau nak cite, panjang sgt.. senang cite... i was sooooooo happy to celebrate my 20th birthday dis yr eventho it falls on the first day of puasa but that doesnt make me feel sad.. it made me extra happy.. :) thank u so much and syukur..!! thanx for the pressie, thnx for comin, and thnx for wishing... BIG THANX to everyone.. :) sy syg sgt korang..
p/s: to someone, thanks.. thnx for being part of my life.. :)
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