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Tik Tok Tik Tok...! huhu... 4th July.....19th July... wah..!! it has been 2 weeks since I first step in Wellington... dush dush... 14 days man..!! hehe.. I can't quite believe it that I have been away from my parents for 2 weeks.. had a very hard time on the first week tho.. been crying every night.. but now I'm okay.. sometimes yea I do missed my parents but its okay.. I have to get used to this place... I have to get used to living on my own now... this is my future.. I am here for only one reason and that is to study n to get the best for everything esp for myself...
To my friends in KL.. I am missing each n everyone of yall... but we will meet soon k.. :)
To my parents, I can't wait for September as I am going to see them during Raya... :) wee..!! best best.. hehe...
To myself, GOOD LUCK in my new place...!! :)
Fuad (the one with camera, dan pasangan baru, Kak Miza dan Rafy.. hahah)
keluarga gajah..!! haha.. ;D kak mai, kak zila n I
pengantin!! wah.. abg long dh kawin.. cantik tau isteri dia.. hehe..
mirul yg tak abis2 loyar buruk dia.. ngan kak aida
kak zila yg comeyl...
Lama yang teramat-amat lama since I last wrote in my blog here.. Alhamdullilah.. as what I have wished before this, 2009 does changed a few things in my life... studies has got back to its place.. I know how to balance between studies and time to socialize with friends.. results for the last sem the other day was good too.. not to say very good but thank god.. I passed all my 5 subjects which 3 of it I didnt even expect to pass.. hehe.. :) forgetting someone seriously made me to focus on my studies and also to be someone different.. ramai had told me that I am not like last time.. mungkin kelembutan pada diri sofia dlu has made others esp him to make use of me.. skrang, suke hati org lain la nak kata ape kat sofia kan... nak kata sofia skrang ckp lepas ke, dah berubah jadi typical melayu ke (peduli apa kan sbb sesungguhnya sofia mmg melayu n I am proud to be malay), suke sgt cuci mata ke.. suke hati la.. as long as I am happy with my life.. but yet.. segala teguran from everyone around me is very much needed.. dat is to keep me on track n not to go over board..
Last weekend, went to Abang Bullah's wedding (an ex-office mate back in MGH last yr).. wanted to go with the FRIENDS only.. but god knows what happen to my parents lately.. they were so scared anything were to happen to me on the way to Keratong, Pahang as the road was packed with cars and berbukit bukau and sempit.. n dad could see how much I wanted to go n decided to sent me there.. so both my parents went.. :) bukan apa, the last wedding early of the yr hari tu, I didnt get to go as I had class.. n this time, mmg betul2 nak pegi.. met everyone there.. best..!! :) best sgt.. :) there were a few pics taken.. tp tengok la on my facebook k.. :) hehe.. I will upload skit la...
this weekend, I got no plans.. but a few mins ago.. Marian sent a msg telling me that there are some Chillis outing with some college friends this sunday nite.. I hope I can go.. :) missing everyone back in college now.. tomorrow pulak.. cousin said that he wants to come down to KL.. but tak tau la dia tu.. cerita je lebat... ntah dtg ntah tak... berapa kali dah cancel.. sengal punyer budak.. hehe.. dats it for now la... next 2 weeks ade kenduri... so, grandparents will come down to my place on the friday as the kenduri will be on saturday.. tak sukenye kalau diorang ade.. limited nak buat apa2 plan.. but wat the heck.. u banyak ckp, u stay inside the house.. I have rent a canopy n we can lepak2 kat luar until watever time that we would want to.. hehe.. I will ask my friends to bring shisha n we can shisha sambil borak nnt.. hope all my friends could come malam tu.. rindu sume org.. :) datang tau sume.. sape tak dtg.. siap la..!! huh..!!
k la.. Kak Mai n I had this perbualan yg mengimbas kembali saat saat mula-mula masuk kerja dlu.. wah..!! rase mcm baru smalam berhenti kerja.. hehe.. tp rupe-rupenye dh lama dh.. akak..!! remember the sentence that i were scared of, '' samada mu delete gambar tu atau aku buang camera mu..'' wah.. takutnye.. hahah.. tp skrang dah tak takut dah.. hahaha.. *berani nye la skrang kn.. time tu kecut perut* hahah.. den, teringat saat2 kena buli on the first week time keje.. hahaha.. best best.. happening la bebudak office nie.. budak college lain perangai.. budak2 office lain perangai.. manusia.. rupe je lebih kurang.. perangai lain lain.. tp sume pun best.. heheh.. they are all like my elder brothers and sisters..
k la.. hujan lebat yg teramat nie.. shall continue later.. I need to off my lappie.. k.. bubbye.. take care everyone.. :)
On the 26th of February 2009 at 1.30 pm, i received a call from dad... As I answer the call, I heard a shocking news. My great grandfather has passed away this morning... Not to say I was very sad but was sad enough to make myself cry in McDonald's.... =(Semoga roh arwah Haji Jantan dicucuri rahmat dan dikurangkan segala seksaan kubur. To the family, harap tabah dalam menuruskan hidup....
I think I'm missing you...I think I still do like you...I think I'm in love with you again...I think everyone knows about it...I even think that you do realize this...I think there are reasons why we had a few months break the other day...I think you're not that good looking...I even think that you are not even that kind hearted...coz if you are, you wouldn't be doing things that i don't likeBUTI think that doesn't stop me from loving youwhatever it is...I still do LOVE you... =)and I hope it will be more special this time... Love you...
Fuhhhh...!! At last I found a minute or two to update my blog.. Grrr..!! damn man... there are so many things to do... my life is seriously busy this past few weeks.. running here and there.. seeing this ppl that ppl... settling this and that... Fuuhhh..!! jz so busy man... n this two weeks, my schedule is tight with exams... my mid term examinations.. God..!! help me pls... :-( yesterday I had my IELTS exam in British Council... then, went out for lunch, came back and strated doing my assignment... while doing assignment, mom asked me to go get cat's food... Aiyh..!! Fine.. I'll go...
On the way, she was telling me that two of our cats have not been coming back for the pass few days... where have they gone to...?? :-? Okay...!! Dats it...!! those are my beloved cats and where are they now...?? normally they'll be back during lunch time and take a nap and Shuhhhh to find 'partner' in the evening... that is the time when i normally come back from college... which most of the time I don't get to see them... :-( Ahh yes...!! I've jz realized that I've not seen them for days.. ALAMAK..!! mane korang nie...???? Then, mom was telling me about how this idiotic human being can be so cruel towards animal jz because of money... the government will jz pass the contract to any company or organization in order for them to get those stray cats and dogs or any other animal and will put them in a 'safe' place... CAUTION PPL..!! they are NOT HELPING those animals... wat they'll do, they'll go to any houses area and will look for stray animals n get them... wat do they do with the animal after that..???? we thought they gonna put them in SPCA or some place where they could save them... BUT... NO..!! they'll get them... strangle them till death... kick them to be put in the van or lorry... and in the end, bury them in some place where no one knows... its TRUE ppl..!! somebody took a video of it and passed them to the TV station... GOODNESS..!!! wat happen to ppl these days... come on.. those animal need shelter from all of us... and wat im worried of now, i am scared that they will do the same to my cats... no..!!! k... im not goin to think of it now... ergh..!! stupid ppl with no feelings and no brains... :-/
dats it about animals.. by the way.. back to my busy life... aiyh..!! was updating my blog and suddenly dad came from the back and started reading it... wat the hell...!! shuh..!! i will never let my parents or any of my family member to read my blog... grrr...!! heheh.. :-P
k la... shall update more later... when...?? i do not know when... heheh.. busy laa... ape laa... k... shall stop now and back to my stupid accounting subject... another IELTS test and accounting mid term tmr...GRRRR...!!! k chow ppl...!!! see ya.... :) take care... love ya loads... :)
hello.. its new year.. happy new to year to everyone... :) its da 3rd day of January n yet im sure everyone is still excited with their azam for 2009.. jz hope our azam bukan hangat-hangat tahi ayam je la kan.. hehe.. :)
ntg much happen last yr... 2008 was da year dat has thought me lots of things in life.. from relationships sampai la ke friendship dan termasuklah jugak hubungan dgn parents n being independant and etc.. well.. i started 2008 dgn cerita yg tak brape best.. i was not myself to be honest.. i started doing things dat im really sure if my parents find out, they will so kill me.. started wih cutting hair short (dat was not really a big deal yet), started year one of my degree early of the yr and taking things dat i shouldnt take (kononnye to release stress).. for God sake...!! never ever meranakan diri sendiri just because of a guy.. come on.. kite dah zaman moden skrang.. women can live on their own.. i mean, women do need men in their life but just dont make yourself look dumb just because of an ****t... :) thats one thing i have learnt... after awhile, i realize that there lots of ppl out there who still loves me esp my frens.. they hv been with me whenever i need them... they r my strength.. den, things changes slowly after that..
middle of the yr, mula terlalai sekejap.. started doing badly dlm studies.. parents did not say anything yet at that time.. not till end of the yr, they told me think wisely... i shouldnt say what is it about but that has made me realize, parents have tried so hard to understand me and yet they still talk to me properly eventho i have been hurting them so badly this yr.. i know, dalam nada suara diorang, harapan yg sgt tinggi diorang letak utk anak diorang ni as i am the one n only child in the family.. insyaallah mak abah, ill change this yr n prove it to others yg anak mak abah ni bukan calang2 budak n jawatan idaman ku itu nanti akan tercapai.. insyaallah.. :) hahah
thn 2008 jugak thn first i get to go holiday with frens.. first dpt pegi wedding kak azza awal thn dgn kwn2.. klu tak dlu, rasenya mcm tak bleh kn.. lps tu, middle of the yr.. i get to go Bangkok with frens too.. :) which i was so happy at that time.. to even think about it, sampai skrang masih teringat Bangkok, but never mind, theres always next time.. i shall think 2009 ni nak pegi mane pulak... hmmm.. hehe.. Manda said, we might be goin Singapore middle of the yr.. tapi perancangannye je la.. not sure whether it is confirm ke tak.. hopefully jd coz we hv never spend time together (old school frens) bercuti kat mane2... :) missing them already...
then, end of the yr ari tu, worked in MGH (as you can see in the post before this).. banyak benda i belajar... get to know new ppl.. very good ppl.. at first, mcm takut2 jugak.. but after a week or two, best la pulak.. not till the last week of December, slowly dah rase mcm sayang nak stop kerja.. wat the heck la.. belajar ade 2 tahun lg kan.. so yeah..!! focus..!! hehehe.. :) kerja tu klu ade rezeki, ade la.. insyaallah... n i jz hope that we will still be friends... dapat menambahkan bilangan kawan2 i.. heheh.. best2.. lagi ramai kawan, lagi banyak perangai, lagi banyak kerenah, lagi best... lagi boleh buat sofia fikir jauh... :) in other words, buat sofia lebih matang biler bergaul dgn ramai kawan... mak pun suke sofia ade kawan ramai as that helped me to forget someone... :) in other words, 2008 banyak ajar sofia the meaning of life n menghargai lagi hidup nie..
tahun 2008 pun buat sofia jadi lebih rapat dgn sedara-sedara... dlu kurang berckp.. skrang dah banyak.. kenal lebih ramai sedara.. even dgn grandparents on mak's side pun sofia dah mula rapat.. ye la.. last time we were not like this.. ade peperangan skit between my parents n grandparents yg kat KL nie.. tp alhamdullillah.. eveything has got back to its place n sumenye berjalan lancar... :) best la tahun nie..
other den dat.. banyak la.. mcm2 dah jadi tahun nie.. banyak benda yg i dah buat n banyak jugak benda yg telah pun sedarkan i... :) alhamdullillah.. allah masih sygkn i dan masih beri peluang utk berubah... hopefully, 2009 ni, sofia akan berubah menjadi org yg lebih baik.. :) may 2009 tak buat sofia menangis mcm tahun 2008 dlu.. may it brings happiness in my life..
oh yeah... insyaallah.. middle of the yr atau pun end of the yr, ill be flying off to either UK or New Zealand... abah wants to send me off awal sbb he said, banyak sgt 'gangguan' kat KL nie.. heheh... ooppss...!! i am quite excited about it tho.. harapan.. any of the uni, accept my results and i dpt fly as soon as possible.. insyaallah.. doakan ye... kalau ikut hati, nk pegi UK.. but see la how.. New Zealand would b fine too.. mana2 pun bleh.. :)
k la... kalau ade story menarik, sofia akan tulis lg ye... take care everyone n HAPPY NEW YEAR...!! =)
Words for today:
1. Smula (ade sabdu skit) - smula eh sofia -> lain kali ye sofia
2. berehi (stress on the word R) - dok berehi -> tak suke la
3. kek gi - kek gi kite pi makan - > sekejap lg kite pegi makan
hahah.. hello ppl..!!! :) im back with Kelas Bahasa Terengganu.. one of the boy who is working in MGH is from Terengganu.. very pemalu orangnye.. hehehe.. lately only we started talking... heheh... but I know, deep inside his heart, dia seorang yg sgt suka pada tmpt kelahiran dia.. n by even working in KL, dat doesnt stop him from speaking Terengganu...
So, now... im trying to understand his language.. well... not to say i don understand.. well.. i do a lil bit la coz my family angkat dulu pun from Dungun.. but Mr. F is somewhere from Terengganu yg dah dekat2 to Kelantan... so, his way of speaking is slightly different den my family angkat... but takpe la.. best jugak sekali sekala jd org negeri lain selain KL.. so now, im learning his language... according to him, learn a word by a day.. hahah... so, baru2 nie ade la a few words dat i learn from him... hahah... susah gak nk faham da way he talks.. must listen carefully n dgr betul2... baru boleh tangkap ape dia ckp.. kadang2 kesian gak sbb dia nk ckp dgn i, but i don understand wat he was trying to say.. last last, dia tak nak ulang watever he has already said... kesian n takut lak sbb he might think i nie, blurr sgt sampai tak faham ape dia ckp... sorry..!! hehehe.. but yea.. its fun tho.. tp lps ni dah tak bleh belajar his language dah as i'm goin to stop working soon.. really soon... :( hmm.. goin to miss all of them very much... :((