Fuad (the one with camera, dan pasangan baru, Kak Miza dan Rafy.. hahah)
keluarga gajah..!! haha.. ;D kak mai, kak zila n I
pengantin!! wah.. abg long dh kawin.. cantik tau isteri dia.. hehe..
mirul yg tak abis2 loyar buruk dia.. ngan kak aida
kak zila yg comeyl...
Lama yang teramat-amat lama since I last wrote in my blog here.. Alhamdullilah.. as what I have wished before this, 2009 does changed a few things in my life... studies has got back to its place.. I know how to balance between studies and time to socialize with friends.. results for the last sem the other day was good too.. not to say very good but thank god.. I passed all my 5 subjects which 3 of it I didnt even expect to pass.. hehe.. :) forgetting someone seriously made me to focus on my studies and also to be someone different.. ramai had told me that I am not like last time.. mungkin kelembutan pada diri sofia dlu has made others esp him to make use of me.. skrang, suke hati org lain la nak kata ape kat sofia kan... nak kata sofia skrang ckp lepas ke, dah berubah jadi typical melayu ke (peduli apa kan sbb sesungguhnya sofia mmg melayu n I am proud to be malay), suke sgt cuci mata ke.. suke hati la.. as long as I am happy with my life.. but yet.. segala teguran from everyone around me is very much needed.. dat is to keep me on track n not to go over board..
Last weekend, went to Abang Bullah's wedding (an ex-office mate back in MGH last yr).. wanted to go with the FRIENDS only.. but god knows what happen to my parents lately.. they were so scared anything were to happen to me on the way to Keratong, Pahang as the road was packed with cars and berbukit bukau and sempit.. n dad could see how much I wanted to go n decided to sent me there.. so both my parents went.. :) bukan apa, the last wedding early of the yr hari tu, I didnt get to go as I had class.. n this time, mmg betul2 nak pegi.. met everyone there.. best..!! :) best sgt.. :) there were a few pics taken.. tp tengok la on my facebook k.. :) hehe.. I will upload skit la...
this weekend, I got no plans.. but a few mins ago.. Marian sent a msg telling me that there are some Chillis outing with some college friends this sunday nite.. I hope I can go.. :) missing everyone back in college now.. tomorrow pulak.. cousin said that he wants to come down to KL.. but tak tau la dia tu.. cerita je lebat... ntah dtg ntah tak... berapa kali dah cancel.. sengal punyer budak.. hehe.. dats it for now la... next 2 weeks ade kenduri... so, grandparents will come down to my place on the friday as the kenduri will be on saturday.. tak sukenye kalau diorang ade.. limited nak buat apa2 plan.. but wat the heck.. u banyak ckp, u stay inside the house.. I have rent a canopy n we can lepak2 kat luar until watever time that we would want to.. hehe.. I will ask my friends to bring shisha n we can shisha sambil borak nnt.. hope all my friends could come malam tu.. rindu sume org.. :) datang tau sume.. sape tak dtg.. siap la..!! huh..!!
k la.. Kak Mai n I had this perbualan yg mengimbas kembali saat saat mula-mula masuk kerja dlu.. wah..!! rase mcm baru smalam berhenti kerja.. hehe.. tp rupe-rupenye dh lama dh.. akak..!! remember the sentence that i were scared of, '' samada mu delete gambar tu atau aku buang camera mu..'' wah.. takutnye.. hahah.. tp skrang dah tak takut dah.. hahaha.. *berani nye la skrang kn.. time tu kecut perut* hahah.. den, teringat saat2 kena buli on the first week time keje.. hahaha.. best best.. happening la bebudak office nie.. budak college lain perangai.. budak2 office lain perangai.. manusia.. rupe je lebih kurang.. perangai lain lain.. tp sume pun best.. heheh.. they are all like my elder brothers and sisters..
k la.. hujan lebat yg teramat nie.. shall continue later.. I need to off my lappie.. k.. bubbye.. take care everyone.. :)